I originally wrote this as a single post to document how I deployed an ASP.NET Core application on DigitalOcean. I also setup a web server using Nginx and setup SSL for free using Lets Encrypt and finally added some basic security with Fail2ban.

I soon realised, it became rather large, so I have broken it down into individual sections:


In this post, I will detail the steps involved in actually deploying an ASP.NET Core application from a local machine onto a hosted Linux machine. In this example, I am using .NET Core 2.1 and GitLab’s free Container Registry. I am going to demonstrate how to build a docker image, push and upload it to my personal GitLab Container Registry. Then I will download this docker image from GitLab to a DigitalOcean droplet in order to run it.

If you want to get started on DigitalOcean you can get some free credits using this link. At the time of writing its $100 free credit! And you can follow this guide on how to setup a Linux machine with Docker on DigitalOcean

If you’ve not heard or come across GitLab, its very similar to Github. It offers git source control as well as a whole host of devops, deployment and CI pipeline tools. It also offers a free Docker Container Registry. What does this mean? It means that we can upload our personal docker images into GitLab and download them whenever we need them.

Summary of steps

  • Create a Container Registry in GitLab.
  • Build and push a docker image into GitLab.
  • Deploy the docker image into DigitalOcean.

Create a free GitLab Container Registry account

Create a GitLab account if you don’t have one already. You are not restricted to use GitLab for this walk-through. Any Docker Container Registry will work. Once a GitLab account is created, create a project as shown below:


Then you should be able to access the Registry section within the project, like so:


Make a note of this, as this will be used later.

Create a Docker image using Docker Compose

Here we will create a docker image on a local machine for preparation for pushing into a GitLab’s Docker Container Registry. I will be using a sample app which I created on Github.

  1. Clone the DockerAspNetCoreDemo Repo from Github.

  2. In the same directory, create a docker compose file which is able to build the docker image. Or you can use the one that is already provided docker-compose-build.yml Something like this:

version: '3.4'

      context: .
      dockerfile: DockerAspNetCoreDemo/Dockerfile
    image: dockeraspnetcoredemo
  1. Run the command below to build a docker image
docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yml build

Now lets list the docker images to verify it has been built.

docker images

The output:

REPOSITORY                                                 TAG                      IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
dockeraspnetcoredemo                                       latest                   52c42756d5d6        6 seconds ago       258MB
  1. Now, tag the docker image as shown below.
docker tag dockeraspnetcoredemo registry.gitlab.com/ch-lee/aspnetcoredemo:latest

Again, running docker images we should see the original image and the tagged image.

REPOSITORY                                                 TAG                      IMAGE ID            CREATED              SIZE
registry.gitlab.com/ch-lee/aspnetcoredemo                  latest                   52c42756d5d6        About a minute ago   258MB
dockeraspnetcoredemo                                       latest                   52c42756d5d6        About a minute ago   258MB

Pushing into a Docker Registry

Now that we have the docker image built and tagged, we can push this into the Container Registry.

  1. Push the tagged image into GitLab. If its the first time, you will need to login into GitLab by executing the following command:
docker login registry.gitlab.com
  1. Push the image into GitLab:
docker push registry.gitlab.com/ch-lee/aspnetcoredemo:latest
  1. Confirm that it is present in GitLab.


Deploying on Linux

In this example, I’m using a Linux machine on DigitalOcean, however, this principle applies to any Linux machine that has Docker installed.

  1. Connect to the Linux machine using ssh.
ssh root@
  1. In a preferred directory, I just created a folder called /home/deploy Create a docker compose file called docker-compose-release.yml
nano /home/deploy/docker-compose-release.yml
  1. Create a docker compose file as shown below:

version: '3'


    image: registry.gitlab.com/ch-lee/aspnetcoredemo:latest
     - "80:80"

Notice that the image specified is the one that was uploaded to GitLab. Also, the ports mapping has been specified. This is in the format of “Host:Container”. This means that the host is on port 80 and the container is also on 80.

  1. Execute the docker compose command
docker-compose -f /home/deploy/docker-compose-release.yml up -d
  1. Verify that the docker container is up and running
docker ps
  1. You should see something like this:
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                NAMES
5b680bd8e631        registry.gitlab.com/ch-lee/aspnetcoredemo:latest   "dotnet DockerAspNet…"   22 minutes ago      Up 22 minutes>80/tcp   deploy_aspnetcoredemo_1
  1. Verify that you can browse to the app from a browser and you should see something like this: aspnetdemo-hosted-example

Summary and next steps

As demonstrated above, you can see that an ASP.NET core web application can be deployed relatively easily on a Linux machine using Docker and GitLab’s Container Registry.

To take it further, for instance, you may have a side project that you would like to show the world, you may want to add https and also assign a domain name against it.

In order to this, you can checkout my other post on how to add SSL for free for a ASP.NET Core app on Linux using Nginx and Lets Encrypt